- Find your congressional district and representatives
- The US Constitution - A site that provides access to original documents surrounding the making of the US Constitution
- The FairTax - The FairTax web site
- US Congress Co-sponsors - List of US House of Representatives and Senators which support the legislation to introduce the FairTax into law.
- Heritage Foundation - The Heritage Foundation is an excellent source for conservative analysis of current national topics.
- The Cato Institute - The mission of the Cato Institute is to increase the understanding of public policies based on the principles of limited government, free markets, individual liberty, and peace.
- The Hoover Institution - The Hoover Institution, within Stanford University, is a public policy research center promoting the principles of individual, economic, and political freedom.
- Legislation Activity in US Congress
- US House Votes - Recent votes on bills being considered in the US House of Representatives. Includes actual names of representatives with Yes/No record for each bill voted on.
- US Senate - Recent votes on bills being considered in the US Senate. Includes actual names of senators with Yes/No record for each bill voted on.
- OpenCongress.org - A very well organized non-government web site displaying latest activity on legislation in both House and Senate.
- NRA Legislation Department - The National Rifle Association's website dedicated to tracking nationwide activity on 2nd amendment legislation and legal cases.
- Parental Rights Amendment - A movement to introduce an amendments to the US Constitution which would protect the rights of parents in the US from being taken away by international treaties and future US legislation.
- Lord Christopher Monckton's Global Warming Rebuttal - A very interesting and informative presentation by one of the leading voices of reason in the man-caused global warming debate.
- Top Ten Front Pages of newspaper across the US.
- The GOOH Project - stands for 'Get Out of Our House' and is pronounced like the word 'go'. It is a NON-PARTISAN plan to evict the 435 career politicians in the U.S. House of Representatives and replace them with everyday Americans just like you.
- An excellent resource for information on ACORN and their tactics
- RecalCongressNow.org - Through RecallCongressNow.org, The American Civil Rights Union seeks to empower Americans who are dissatisfied with congressional actions being undertaken on their behalf.
page revision: 17, last edited: 26 Mar 2010 05:27